Wednesday, December 30, 2009

BOOTY OF THE WORLD steatopygia in khoisan khoikhoi kalahari desert

You may know that booty, that is to say badonkadonk (who knows the etymology, letmeknow), scientific: steatopygia, regarded by khoisan and me as beautiful, celestiality par with 12-year-old-boy -assed girls.

History: The first badonkadonk famous in the West was carried on the back of one of two Dutch-owned slaves from South Africa, raid-orphaned Sarah-key, who in 1810 in the ambition of wealth sailed to England for an exhibition in a human zoo, to participate along with among others a set of siamese twins (unfortunately male, also with looks which could only give to ideaistic fantasy).

Sarah-key, a girl of the pastoral Khoikhoi who had come south and pushed out the less nourished San, until the Bantu forced them smaller arid areas, possessed a trait of her people, a curiosity to whites...

Billed by whites Venus of the traditionally, and still coloquially, Hottentots (though not actually, as venus figurines "do not strictly qualify as steatopygian, since they exhibit an angle of approximately 120 degrees between the back and the buttocks, while steatopygia strictly speaking is diagnosed at an angle of about 90 degrees only." (Passemard 1938)

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